B. Thomas Marking
A Message from the Founder
Thank you for being part of America’s future! I welcome your thought-provoking questions, constructive criticisms, encouragements and endorsements. As time allows, I will endeavor to respond in kind. Also as time allows, I will entertain invitations to speak to your group and / or sign some books.
You may contact me at wm@Citizen-v2pt1.us.
Please also subscribe to the mailing list for updates by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.
If I may paraphrase something one of my characters says in Chapter 4 of Amendment XXIX:
“In 1776 we fought for our independence from an aristocratic and arrogant government, grown distant from the people it was supposed to serve. Now we fight for our independence from an aristocratic and arrogant government, also grown distant from its citizens — this time, one that resides on our own shores.”
If you are ready to declare your independence and give Democracy a try, use the form below to take a first step.